Welcome to the Home of
The MGA With An Attitude
"Theme from A Summer Place"

This web site is owned and edited by Barney Gaylord
( formerly Naperville, Illinois - now World At Large )
This web site is dedicated to the proposition of having obscene amounts of fun with your Little British Car. Fortunately this does not have to include spending obscene amounts of money. The less time and money you spend on tinkering, the more you have left for driving, so the philosophy is heavily loaded toward maintaining your own car. There's even a short section on Grapes of Wrath repairs for the very frugal and that rare case of emergency.

Herein you will find information on Road Rally and Autocross with SCCA, gimmick rallys and touring with local British car clubs, more than 4000 pages of tech tips and maintenance help with picture tours of the tough jobs, and stories to warm your soul and break your heart. There is a substantial picture gallery, including a link to Brit Run To The Sun, the 1997 tour of several Little British Cars to the great state of Alaska. Also find here a trailer hitch installation for the MGA, for those occasions when you need to pack more than tools and an overnight bag.
If you like polishing a show car you may feel a little out of place here. But if you like comfortable leather seats and the smell of a warm engine, oil, brakes and tires, you'll be right at home. So please step inside and enjoy your visit, and you're welcome to come back as often as you like.