The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Guru Is GOING MOBILE - (July 1 - July 15, 2023, 2023)
Saturday, July 1, 2023:
Meeting with the British Boots and Bonnets British Car Club, generally based around Rockford, IL, but overlapping into southern Wisconsin as well. Today they have a Summer Party at the summer home of Crystal and Dennis Klemm near Orfordville, Wisconsin.

The car line-up was at 1-pm specified start time, but there were more later. Picnic tables with seating for everyone, but as it turned out it was about to rain, so plans would soon change. See the party house with deck behind? Well, it wasn't quite big enough.

I counted at least 45 people trying to cram inside for picnic. Several more on the deck didn't last long when it began to rain in earnest.

When the rain slowed down some I took a hike to the three "barns" full of reported "cars and car parts". I was expecting the bulk of a junk yard, but it turned out to be many complete and restored cars, more cars in process of restoration, and some additional cars that may be possible future restoration candidates. Nice collection with a great preponderance of MGs.

Into the second building, more of the same (but all different).

The third building held a nice collection of finished restored cars, bit of a surprise by comparison. If you were paying close attention, there was a more than proportional representation of MG 1100 and Austin America cars hiding in the back corners. Those always catch my eye, because I traded my 3rd MGA in for a new Austin America in 1969 when I was 20 and getting married (three mistakes in one day?).

Behind the "barns" were a few transport trailer, a couple of teardrop travel trailers, and one very nice Featherlite aluminum flat bed car trailer. That one looks new, not yet loaded with tie-downs and accessory parts.

By evening it was time to bail out and find a WiFi spot to process these photos and notes. We found Beloit, Wisconsin. Don't know where we're going at closing time (ask navigator).
Sunday, July 2, 2023:
South Beloit, Illinois. Just chilling out with no appointments for a few days, and waiting for snail mail deliveries.
Monday, July 3, 2023:
Genoa, Illinois.
Tuesday, July 4, 2023:
Wheaton, Illinois.
Wednesday, July 5, 2023:
Countryside, IL for most of the day, then Wednesday Night Garage Club in Lagrange Highlands, IL. We had a little shuck and jive to do tonight. Moving two cars from the back to along side of the garage temporarily. Then back in the flat bed cargo trailer and start hauling stuff out of the storage containers in the far back. Edict is the containers have to be moved to correct some sort of a zoning code violation (maybe too much foot print on a residential lot). Seems there are a few weeks allowed to get it done, not a problem we hope. Finished loading just before heavy rain hit.

Thursday, July 6, 2023:

Naperville, IL. Another day off, got busy and posted some new tech pages.
One on Tire Life Date Codes.

And an update to a tech page for Headlights On Warning Buzzer for $3 using a piezoelectric buzzer.
Friday, July 7, 2023:
Update a tech page for Speedo And Tach Cables to add the speedo cable for the Hi-Gear Engineering T9 5-speed gearbox.
Saturday-Sunday, July 8-9, 2023:
Waiting for snail mail, maybe Monday. Forgot what else I was doing, will try to fill this in later.
Monday, July 10, 2023:
Considerable chat about ill fitting commercial panels for MGA body pillars and sills. If (when) these parts are bad, you could waste so much time trying to modify them to work that you are likely better off if you just drop them in the nearest dust bin, start over, and make your own panels from flat stock.
Tuesday, July 11, 2023:
Word came in late today that two pieces of mail had arrived. Something to do tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 12, 2023:
Rained considerably last night, still raining some this morning as we drove 30 miles west from Naperville to Sandwich, IL to pick up snail mail, arriving before 9-am. Welcome navigator's credit report from Equifax, and a new Social Security card, both with his name and current mailing address. Cruise back east a few miles to Plano, IL, location of the local DMV. Still raining, so it was a good time to stop for breakfast, while we were still in a good mood.
Rain cut way back by 10-am, so we crawled around the block to the DMV. No appointment, but combination of mid week and morning rain made for no waiting line, so we got right in. The credit report was promptly refused as proof of residency, because apparently "it didn't look like a bank statement" (same old story), and not having any account number on it, even though it did have his name and local residential mailing address. Boo, hiss, toss it on the accumulating stack of refused documents, along with his high school transcript. What the H?
One chance left was his replacement Social Security card, still in the sealed envelope with current mailing address. Lucky it was a window envelope, so his name and address were printed on the same tear-off page with the new card, also with his name and SS number on it. Now even though the SS card is not by itself supposed to serve as personal ID, it did come from a "government agency", so they did finally accept that as proof of local residency. Go figure.
So now he can finally get his State Of Illinois personal ID card renewed (the one that expired in 2018) with his current address on it. Oh by the way, now that they agree that he legally exists AND is a local resident, they will now also issue a (temporary) Voter ID Card, just sign here. And now he can use his state ID card and his voter ID card as two forms of proof of residency, so they will also let him apply for the Illinois Driver Learner's Permit. In essence, any one of the three documents, State ID, Drivers License, or Voter Registration is required to apply and qualify for any of the others (that silly Catch 22). But once you can quality for any one of those documents, sure, feel free to issue the other two all at the same time. How many weeks did it take to get here?
A few minutes to process paper work and take his picture, less than a minute to pass the eye test, and he aced the written exam in five minutes. With temporary state ID card and temporary Voters Registration and valid Learner's Permit (good for one year) in hand, we were headed back east (raining again). One stop at Walmart for another spare computer power supply and two cordless optical mice (one immediate replacement and one spare), and a few minor supplies. Rats, we forgot to pick up a replacement sealed beam headlight, as we just last night discovered one high beam burned out). Okay keep the lights on low beam until we can get it fixed. Also stop to pick up some adult liquid refreshments as peace offering (more gratitude) for the garage club. Then finally stop for lunch very close to our evening appointment.
At 5:30-pm, hello everybody, time for Wednesday Night Garage Club in Lagrange Highlands, IL. Early on we got to tweak the carbs on Sparky's MGA to smooth out the running.

This evening is also serving as the semi-monthly Natter 'N' Noggin for Chicagoland MG Club, as well as a tech session to do a little work on the club project car.

Storm moving in, Tom was quick to lift the top on his Fiat 124 Spider (just showing off how easy is). Storm warning sirens blaring as ominous slow rotating funnel clouds passed over, nothing touched down, just rain.

Dean's MGA would fire with a sniff of ether, but would not keep running. Quick to diagnose slow fuel flow. That was ugly. I wonder how old that fuel is.

After replacing the fuel pump it would run on two cylinders only. Then we had to find and clear a clog in one of the carburetor overflow vents. Good work, car now running to drive it back into the parking bay, and soon to depart for Dean's home for further work (to clear up space here). Nice patina on this car, planning on giving it a clear coat to preserve it as is.

I counted 17 people tonight, not counting a few kids and dogs. After pigging out on BBQ ribs and baked beans (and waiting for rain to stop), the party was breaking up. There were a few of us die-hards left chatting about cars and club management and web sites. We were actually making progress, or at least coming to some understanding of club policies and what belongs on the club web site, how much has been obscured with the web site revamp, and what still needs to be fixed (a lot). Very appropriate chat for a Natter 'N' Noggin. We finally blew out at 10:30 pm.
Thursday, July 13, 2023:
Early breakfast and WiFi stop, all set to catch up the trip log with photos and notes, but my Quicken accounting program decided to crap out (again) without notice. Killed half the day trying to reinstall and reboot the software with no success, getting more PO'd by the hour (gawd I hate computers). Set that aside by early afternoon, bound for another grunt work task. Needing to download and install six months worth of neglected Windows Updates for the computer. Slow going, especially using a public WiFi link. I think I got all that done before closing time, but have to wait for morning to check to see if it all works. Hell of a way to kill an otherwise nice day.
Friday, July 14, 2023:
At least the computer fired up this morning, all updates installed and working (I hope). But the accounting program still doesn't work. Get priorities right, and finish the photos and notes from Wednesday's follies (above). Spell check, upload data, and check it on line, all good. By lunch time I can get back to the Quicken accounting software problem (with not much optimism).
After a few more hours screwing around with delete and reinstall and restore backup and still not working, I finally gave up, bit the bullet, and bought into a current version of Quicken software (as a service). That means you can't buy it, just rent it by the year, and keep paying the pirate rate fees for the rest of your life. But such is the world these days, so now it's done, the new software is installed and working, and we can (hopefully) get back to real life. -- Raining again, so I guess we're not driving today.
Saturday, July 15, 2023:
Ah, we have some car stuff to do today. Up early for breakfast and quick email check, then running over to Tommy's Garage. We were thinking folks were going to be moving one or two storage containers (and some contents) to another lot a few doors down the alley, but it didn't happen. Guys were working on cars instead.
First up was Tommy's MGA with MGB engine. Seems like it was running okay, before reworking control cables and installing air cleaners. Now it runs, but only when holding half choke. Drop the choke and it dies, too much air or not enough fuel. Well, the choke cable bracket is disconnected, so maybe when in place it was holding the cable at half choke with the knob fully pushed in, maybe. Having spent too much time fiddling with it, Tommy declared it a waste of time, more important things to do, so leave it alone, and it will go to the pro shop for diagnostics and adjustment. Bit of a hit to my ego, but it's his car and his decision.

Two steps away Tom and friend were assembling the dash and console for Tom's MGB. This was intended to look a lot like the dash and condole in an MG RV8, plus a few custom touches.

In the next bay Dean was tinkering with his MGA, just getting started on installation of a convertible top. We stuck some 1/4-inch thick close cell foam rubber under the front bow to improve sealing on top of the windscreen. Wanting to attend to some splintered and chipped away wood on the edges.

Solution this time was to fill it with silicone-latex caulk, wipe it smooth, and call it good. Dean is a carpenter, it's his car and his call, so good time to put this to a real world test. I recon it should work okay.

Been here, done this several times, pretty good at it by now. Punch two holes in the front bow wrap fabric to clear the screw-down posts on top of the windscreen. Place fabric, screw down and clamp the front bow in place, and pull like crazy on the tail fabric to seat the front hanging flap firmly against the windscreen top frame. Pull fabric up the front, put staples along the front face, and trim fabric just shy of the top corner. -- From the back, pull fabric over the top, pull down firmly in front, put more staples in the front face, and trim fabric just above the bottom corner.

Finished up to both ends of the windscreen frame, just starting to wrap the ends, but ran out of time. Throw the canopy over it just to feel good, and put the toys away for the day.

Dean's MGA went under the hoist holding the Jaguar. Tom's MGB went up so his MGA could go underneath, and the Fiat came in behind. The club project car was moved from the far right workshop bay one space left to the garage space, then sitting behind Dean's MGA. The workshop space is once again a workshop space. The project car has apace to work around it indoors, all set for next Wednesday's gathering.

Then we were off to a local WiFi spot for lunch, and time to post these photos and notes. -- Late afternoon we got a call from club editor and Board member Victor L'Heureux. Word is, there is an MGA in McHenry, Illinois that has been sitting for four years (after passing of the owner), needing to get it running so it can be sold. So it looks like we will be driving an hour and a half late tonight so we can be near next appointment in the morning.