The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Guru Is GOING MOBILE - (April 16 - April 30, 2020)
Thursday April 16, 2020:
Posted three new tech pages today, Weber Settings for MGA Twin Cam, Special Tuning the MGA Twin Cam, and MGA Twin Cam Production Changes. These were previously off-site links, but the other web site was closed, so we managed to recover the missing tech articles and get them back on record. Also had a long discussion about cross bracing the MGA roadster body shell before removing it from the chassis, when you should and when you don't need to.
We had a look at three sets of SU carburetors, two of them 1500 style, and one set 1600 style that came from our friend's MGA 1600- MK-II. Just a check over today with some discussion about what's good, what might be work, what parts may be needed to restore one set, and I think we have all of the necessary parts in the trailer (except maybe throttle shafts). We intend to get after these later.
Then we spent a little time assembling one of the seat frames. For each pivot joint one bolt, two flat washers for axial bearing plates, and install the bolt from inside screwing it into threads in the backrest frame. Tighten the bolts just enough to give a snug fit for the hinge, but not too tight. Then install a jam nut on the outboard side to secure the bolt so it is fixed and moves with the back frame, and pivots in the base frame. Looks good, and friend will do the other one later.

Friday April 17, 2020:
A question today about sizes of rubber grommets and plugs in the MG firewall and heater shelf. I already have a map or what plugs go where, but if we can measure them all I may be able to post a page with the dimensions so you can find them at a local hardware store. So much to do, so little time to do it. Been having a two day tussle with my bank for re-issuing a debit card. New card sent to home address in Illinois, and finally got the local bank in Ohio to issue me a temporary card good for 30 days. The MG needed fuel, so we filled it up. First refueling since we were in Kentucky four weeks earlier. My car has not been this inactive since it was down for body sills replacement in 2008.
Saturday April 18, 2020:
Busy again today, disassembled a pair of MGA 1600 type SU carburetors for inspection before rebuilding. Very tight fasteners, some rust in the threads, lots of fine rust dust inside that likely came from a rusty fuel tank when it was last in service. Fuel jets were nicely centered with the metering needles, so no wear there, but definitely need cleaning. All the seals were hard, hard life and long time since used. Owner is off to do some cleaning, and I think I have all the required parts, so should have these back together in a day or two.
Then we have a line on possible source for 25-tooth odometer drive gears for my speedometer (where main odometer has not worked for months). Vendor needs to know size, OD, ID and width of the gears, so I had to quick remove the speedo from my car to open up for measuring the gears. We may know later this evening.
Sunday April 18, 2020:
Learning the hard way about a long list of "redirects" in off-site links from my web site. This is going to be a daunting task. Something as simple as a web site getting a safety certificate puts an "s" after "http" to make the web address begin with "https". That makes it a different URL, so that web site has to be set up to redirect a request using the old address to the correct web page with the new address. Also some web sites use "www" in front of the domain name,and some do not. Usually either way works, but is the requestor has it different that the web server, that makes another redirect. A third one is the use of "/" on the end of the URL if the address is pointing at a directory rather than a file name. Again, if the requestor leaves it off, but the requested web site wants to use it, that also creates a redirect to a different URL. This usually works unnoticed in the background, and I wouldn't mind much, except that my link checking program reports the redirects as link errors. So I began a mission of updating off-site links in my web site to conform to the expectations, just so the redirects won't be reported as errors. and this is going to be a HUGE project.
Monday April 19, 2020:
Managed to place an order for a new odometer drive gear (and a second for a spare) from JLW Parts in Dayton, OH. Hoping that will arrive in a couple days. Meanwhile friend is working on clean-up of his carburetor parts for later reassembly.
Monday-Wednesday April 20-22, 2020:
Three long killer days working on fixing links in my web site to conform so as to avoid redirects being reported as link errors, and it isn't done yet. Well, I have also been fixing a lot of actual broken links in the process, lots of these since it hasn't been done for several years,
Late Wednesday I was helping disassemble an upper trunnion from the associated shock absorber arm. Typical problem of the bolt being rusted into the steel bearing sleeve, so the bolt wouldn't come out. Had to remove one arm from the shock to get the rusted bearing tube out of the trunnion bushing. Still the bolt would not come out of the sleeve with a sledge hammer, so will have to cut the bolt to get it apart from the removed arm. Then the grunt work chore of unscrewing the long un-greased swivel link from the swivel pin. Lots of penetrating oil, two men and a mule, but we eventually got it apart.
Thursday April 23, 2020:

Finally got some toys to play with today. New odometer drive gear(s) came in late yesterday, so I got to put my speedometer back together and put it back in the car. Most finicky part of this job was reconnecting the little tension spring on the ratchet pawl, but a small wire hook and a jeweler's screwdriver finally got her done. I won't know if the odometers work until I get to drive the car again later.

The cleaned up carburetor parts also came back, so got to spend a few hours putting those back together.
The new cork jet seals (little cork donuts) were sort of malformed, hour glass shape, larger at one end than the other, looked like they might have been stamped out of flat sheet cork stock. They stood rather tall and didn't fit into the gland washers vey well, so it was a good time to change to my favorite Teflon O-ring seals, two rings in place of each cork seal.

Had to pull a few more small bits out of the magic trailer, like jet seal springs, rubber grommets and some gaskets. They came out quite nice in the end.

Friday April 24, 2020:
Time to pack up and move. We spent a good part of the day cleaning house, packing our bags, loading stuff back in the car and trailer, and heading on down the road, but just a couple miles. With the country still on lock down, no particular place to go, so we checked into an extended stay motel. Last little trip for the day was a shot at the local grocery store to stock the larders. Settled in for the duration, we have no idea when we might get mobile again.
Saturday April 25, 2020:
Not much happening, just typical email and BBS stuff.
Sunday April 26, 2020:

Got a report today, and posted a new tech page on faulty LED bulbs intended for use with Lucas driving lamps. The two LEDs mounted on the "bulb" are in incorrect position, not at the focal point of the reflector. End result is one light spot on the road surface very near in front of the car, and a second light spot illuminating tree branches overhead. The useless LED parts were returned for refund. Do not buy these parts.
Monday April 27, 2020:
Nothing happening again.
Tuesday April 28, 2020:
Something to do, much of the day spent posting the CMGC monthly newsletter on the club web site. Got a few phone calls, and fielded some email tech questions. Added some pictures to a tech page on bonnet and boot lid hinges.
Wednesday April 29, 2020:
Quiet day. Just one question about disconnecting a tie rod end.
Thursday April 30, 2020:

New tech page posted today. We now have another creative way to facilitate crankcase ventilation for the MGA Twin Cam engine.