The MGA With An Attitude
DEMONSTRATION DAY - July 14, 1958* - TC-130F
Launch of the MGA Twin Cam - (Pg 6)
(*various reports of the actual day of demonstration, 14, 15, 16, or 18).

Picture from MG Mania-
The insomnia Crew by Henry Stone.
The gathering in Chobham is on page 102
This gathering was at the government test
track in Chobham in Surry on the
occasion of the twin-cam introduction.
Left to right: Ernie Longshaw (M.G.
transport), Tommy Bownes (Riley service
rep.), Tom Haig, Syd Enever, and Alec
Another picture from launch day, appearing on Page 23 of the 2008 Silverstone International program brochure.

Addendum May 2010:
Photo caption: Doug & Joan Johns
Mark Hester reports collecting a copy of the original photo from Kimber house in Abingdon. The caption was written on the back of the original photo. Doug and Joan Johns were BMC Competitions rally drivers.
