The MGA With An Attitude
Wings and Wheels at Pioneer Flight Museum, Kingsbury, TX - (May 4, 2024)
Saturday May 4, 2024:
Arrived a little early, killed half an hour before meeting a couple MGBs in a Home Depot parking lot on North 281 in San Antonio. This was a contingent from Alamo MG Association. Supposed to be a 42 mile trip for Wings and Wheels car show at Pioneer Flight Museum in Kingsbury, TX. Fairly heavy overcast, so maybe some people thought the old birds would not be flying. One incoming phone call said one more car coming, but they would catch up later, so the three MGs were heading east. Slow going on side roads, and more construction delays. but we finally got there. Not sure how old the Corvette is, but it didn't strike me as vintage. The rest of this stuff, yeah, I could have been driving any of those as my first car.

If you look the other direction for a moment there was a big change in both time and style. Okay, this is my idea of real antique.

Turn around one more time, maybe click your heals together, and the world changes again. The real reason we were here today. I don't know much about this world, so just enjoy the pictures.

From here on, I'm pretty sure the rest of these are operational (on a whim in good weather).

I was appreciating the low overcast. It was warm enough today without the sun. By half past one the other MGs looked like they had enough, so it was time to haul out (gently), shuffle over to I-10 and head back west. Less than 15 miles we found a suitable WiFi spot and late lunch in Seguin, Texas.