The MGA With An Attitude
All Sports Car Swap Meet And Autojumble, Wheaton, IL - (March 23, 2025)
Presented by Chicagoland MG Club

I was a few minutes late for intended opening of the building to let the vendors in for set-up at 6-am. At least we were off to a good start. 40dF and rather breezy chilly, but going to warm up to the low 50's by mid day. Good day for the Chicagoland MG Club All Sports Car Swap Meet and Autojumble. Central Daylight Savings Time, still dark at 6-am., with a number of vendors lined up waiting to unload and get into the building to set up their tables.

Two hours later, 8-am, most of the vendors are in and set up, and doors open for the visitors. Didn't take long to fill the aisles, and I recon it will be a good turn-out this year. 10-am at height of the foot traffic it was time to crawl around and take pictures. Of course I get stopped by several people wanting to chat, but keep moving until I get all the way around with pictures of most of the goodies on offer. The first few pictures below are overall shots of the foot traffic. There were for sure more people than the photos imply, because it is a large space and we can't see everyone at once.

Then a walk around to show the wide variety of the booty available.

Surface Refinishing Technology. You give them grunge, and they give you back sparkle.

Below are photos of some accessory hot water heaters, before and after restoration.

Burt Levy and John Twist with adjacent tables.

A bunch of car clubs making their presence known.
-- By that time the crowds were crushing, vendors all in, not much more I could do to help. I wasn't going to stick around for clean-up duty this time, so I bailed out early to head back to the hotel where I could begin processing photos and notes.

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