The MGA With An Attitude
KNOCK-OFF NUTS, Repair and Rechroming - WL-206
On 5/11/2020, Randy Brawley wrote:
"About the knock offs, .... mine have been hammered more than once. Do you have any information on restoration of them, original two wing type".

I don't provide any parts or services, but it goes something like this. Reverese plating to remove chrome and nickle (hopefully to save the material). Hammer down any large burrs, and file smooth. Fill any divots with solder, file smooth again, sand and polish to a smooth finish. Then re-do triple chrome plating (Copper, Nickle, Chrome), and polish up good as new.
One caution here. Too much filing and sanding or polishing could remove enough material
to reduce depth of impression of the embossed nomenclature. Improving depth of embossing afterward (but before re-plating) can be difficult. Best to try to retain as much of the original markings as possible. Also do not put too much plating in the threads.
Otherwise, look for good plating shops, those doing restoration work, and ask for referals. Some of them know what they're doing, others not so much. A good restoration plating shop should do the whole job start to finish, just give them your beater parts, and get them back loooking like new.