The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Police Cars - VT-110-LAN
Lancashire police district

Zepher estate car (station wagon) and MGA police cars.
Two photos above are cars registered to the Lancashire police district.
The second two letters on the number plate determine the place of first registration. The other letter and the numbers are sequential and unique to each car. There was no way to identify the year of first registration until 1963 when the "A" suffix was introduced in some areas. The letters TC were used for Bristol and Lancashire.

Above: Police women training to drive MGA - o/s 1.28 video clip - (*.flv Flash Video)
(Sorry, but this video kees moving).
Left: 1957 photo of Lancashire women police officiers with their MGAs. (from Saftey Fast! Feb 1997).

Below: MG line up on skid pad.

On 12/11/2012, Delicio, Giovanni wrote:
"XTC251 was the first batch of cars delivered to Lancashire Constabulary. I was able to talk to Mrs. Bettie Norwood, the former police officer who drove the car".

MGs On Parade, 1961
MGA's delivered to Lancashire police district:
76WTB - 102889 - Black/red/red hood
77WTB - 102888 - Black/red/red hood
136GTC - 56955 - Black/red/red hood
137GTC - 56956 - Black/red/red hood
322NTJ - 90379 - Black/red/red hood
323NTJ - 90380 - Black/red/red hood
330NTJ - 91919 - Black/red/red hood
347YTB - 101840 - Black/red/red hood
426FTB - ?
452BTE - 27985 - Black/red/red hood
486FTB - 52045 - Black/red/red hood - Does not exist on DVLA
487FTB - 52046 - Black/red/red hood - (repainted White)
494FTB - 52367 - Black/red/red hood
496FTB - 52368 - Black/red/red hood
511WTF - 102946 - Black/red/red hood
587KTB - 70934 - OEW/red/grey hood
588KTB - 70452 - OEW/red/grey hood
589KTB - 70451 - OEW/red/grey hood - Owner: David Fielding
590KTB - 70454 - OEW/red/grey hood
591KTB - 70930 - OEW/red/grey hood
592KTB - 70453 - OEW/red/grey hood - Owner: Simon Dwyer -
Restored car in Australia.
593KTB - 70933 - OEW/red/grey hood
594KTB - 70455 - OEW/red/grey hood
595KTB - 70932 - OEW/red/grey hood - Owner: Steve Hodgkiss
596KTB - 70931 - OEW/red/grey hood - Does not exist on DVLA
701WTC - 102944 - Black/red/red hood
704WTC - 102945 - Black/red/red hood
710WTC - 102947 - Black/red/red hood - Owner: Kenneth Geljack
771PTB - 91918 - Black/red/red hood
786PTB - 94413 - Black/red/red hood
815PTE - 94414 - Black/red/red hood
816PTE - 95849 - Black/red/red hood
819PTE - 95848 - Black/red/red hood
826NTC - 89259 - Black/red/red hood
827NTC - 89258 - Black/red/red hood - 1st registered with DVLA
21 04 1960 - (Lakeland Motor Museum in UK)
832ETE - 50026 - Black/red/red hood
833ETE - 50275 - Black/red/red hood
874VTF - 102392 - Black/red/red hood
876VTF - 102391 - Black/red/red hood
877VTF - 101841 - Black/red/red hood - Owner: Giovanni Delicio
906BTF - 29677 - Black/red/red hood
912BTF - 30595 - Black/red/red hood
912BTF - 30596 - Black/red/red hood
982FTJ - 55655 - Black/red/red hood
983FTJ - 55654 - Black/red/red hood - Owner: David J Cooper -
Current Rego: UTF558
XTC251 - 10610 - Black/red/red hood
XTC252 - 10611 - Black/red/red hood
XTC255 - 10727 - Black/red/red hood
XTE911 - 11461 - Black/red/red hood
XTE912 - 11462 - Black/red/red hood
YTC117 - 14397 - Black/red/red hood - Does not exist on DVLA
YTE148 - 15664 - Black/red/red hood
YTE149 - 15665 - Black/red/red hood
YTF373 - 16262 - Black/red/red hood
YTF374 - 16263 - Black/red/red hood