The MGA With An Attitude
PLASTIC BUSHINGS for Steering Column - SR-206C
On Jan 15, 2016, John Tygart in Syracuse,New York, USA wrote:
"Purchased the Moss felt bushings for my steering column. The upper fit well but the lower was very loose allowing for what I thought was way too much play.
Had on hand some 1-1/8th" diameter Nylatron bar stock, so took a look at Barney's site. There were a couple of documented example of others attempts, but I though they were too complicated requiring O-rings, etc to clear the smaller diameter lip on the end of the tube. I came up with a simpler (more elegant) way to do this.

The important dimension is the distance between the inner wall of the tube and the side of the shaft. Barney documents this as 0.172" and this seems correct. My first attempt showed me this is doable. I turned the outer diameter equal with that of the outer tube. The inner wall I turned to 0.153 (too small, as I miss-measured, but still showed me this would work). I cut a section out allowing me to compress the bushing to fit past the lip of the tube where it expands into place for a firm fit. There was just a little too much play with this dimension, but much improved over the felt bushing and it is usable as is. I'll probably turn another with tighter tolerances. The Nylatron should last forever and works great with a good silicone grease as used for poly bushes".
On Jan 23, 2016, John Tygart in Syracuse,New York, USA wrote:
"Not as simple or easy as I thought. Here are a couple of further comments on making a lower bushing that fits well.
The ID of the distal tube is given as 1.154" on Barney's site. I turned a second bushing to that OD.
Got a surprise when I cut out a 1/4" section out to allow it to compress to fit past the lip of the tube, it shrank/stress relieved (curled in) to an OD of 1.148". By luck this turned out to be what I needed for a good fit, probably do to a layer of paint on the inside of the tube and irregularity of compressing the bushing to fit past the lip of the tube.
Once I had a good tight fit in the tube I had to remove it several times until I had a wall thickness of .156". This gave a nice slip fit on the 13/16" shaft.
In other words anyone doing this will have to make it to fit and the above measurements are what worked for me. I'll fill the gap with some felt and use a silicone lubricant. I left the upper felt bushing in place as it fits well and may absorb some vibration".

[Comment from Barney] -- Perhaps the trick here is to make both OD and ID slightly oversize with the correct wall thickness. Then it won't matter if it collapses a bit when cut down the side. It will then compress for installation, followed by expanding to be a snug spring fit inside the tube.