The MGA With An Attitude

Now we have some 3D printed in plastic. The first two images below are computer renderings from the 3D drawing file. Design and dimensions are from the drawing on the previous page.
air plate rendering air plate rendering
These photos compliments of Fred L in Paris, France. He had these 3D printed in Nylon (better temperature and chemical resistance than polycarbonate). You can click on this link for the MGA_Velocity_Stack.stl file for 3D printing.
short ram stack short ram stack

Here we have another *.stl 3D Printer driver file, compliments of Robert Mason. You can click on this link for the SU_H4_Short_Stack_V2.1.stl file for 3D printing. This one is the Mk-II model with 10-degree face angle, thicker outer edge and slightly larger counterbores underneath.
short ram stack short ram stack
short ram stack short ram stack

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