The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Part Numbers - AHH5028
Engine Mount, Left Hand
for all MGA pushrod engines, and all MGB 1962-1974

PART NO.  SPL.PAGE  DESCRIPTION                                                           
AHH5028   15.A.17   Rubber -engine mounting (L/H front) -(engine mounting, 1500)
AHH5028   16.A.16   Rubber -engine mounting front -L/H -(engine mounting, 1600)
BHH1352HQ  Engine Mount - LH -All MGA                (Moss Europe) (January 2020 number)

Engine Mount, LH Fits left side of any pushrod engine MGA and left side of MGB 1962-1974. Can also fit left side of MGA Twin Cam (and "Deluxe" cars). This part is physically identical to AHH5832 for the twin cam engine cars, but has been assigned a different part number. I might speculate that it was originally intended tfor the Twin Cam part to have different durometer rubber, possibly to be a little stiffer for the heavier twin cam engine with more power (more torque). So far no one has produced the original factory drawings, so this may forever remain a mystery. Meanwhile, many of the replacement parts suppliers use a single part number to serve both pushrod and twin cam engines. Notice alternate part numbers below.

Alternte Numbers:
AHH5028    Engine Mount - LH -All MGA                (SPL)
 413-020   Engine Mount - LH -All MGA                (Moss USA)
 413-021   Engine Mount - LH -All MGA -Upgraded      (Moss USA)
AHH5832    Engine Mount - LH -Twin Cam and "Deluxe"  (SPL)
AHH5832    Engine Mount - LH -Twin Cam and "Deluxe"  (Moss Europe)
 413-024   Engine Mount - LH -All MGA                (Moss USA)    (January 2020 number)
BHH1352HQ  Engine Mount - LH -All MGA                (Moss Europe) (January 2020 number)
Engine Mount, left side, all MGA
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