53K126 16.R.1 Screw fixing bracket (2) -(bonnet lock safety catch, body shell, 1600
and 1600-MK-II Tourer) -was AFH2587
53K126 Screw fixing panel (14) -(body shell, 1600 and 1600-MK-II Tourer)-
was AFH2587
53K126 16.R.3 Screw fixing front wing to sill (6) -(body shell 1600 and 1600-MK-II
Tourer) -was AFH2587
53K126 16.R.7 Screw -front wing to sill (6) -(body shell 1600 and 1600-MK-II Coupe)-
was AFH2587
53K126 16.R.7 Screw fixing splash plate (2) -(font wing, body shell, 1600 and
1600-MK-II Coupe) -was AFH2587
53K126 16.R.7 Screw rear wing to sill (4) -(body shell, 1600 and 1600-MK-II Coupe)-
was AFH2587
53K126 16.R.10 Screw fixing hinge (12) -(booot lid fittings, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)-
was AFH2587
53K126 16.R.10 Screw fixing bracket (3) -(striking plate, booot lid fittings, 1600
and 1600-MK-II) -was AFH2587
53K126 16.R.18 Screw fixing hinge (12) -(bonnet fittings, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)- was
53K126 16.R.41 Screw support angle (8) -(fascia panel, 1600 and 1600-MK-II) -was
53K126 16.R.43 Screw fixing nozzel (4) -(sundries, 1600 and 1600-MK-II) -was AFH2587
53K126 16.R.45 Screw clamp -(tube assy, heater assy, heater, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
53K126 16.R.45 Screw clamp -(door assy, heater assy, heater, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
53K126 16.R.3 Screw fixing splash plate (2) -(front, body shell 1600 and 1600-MK-II
Tourer) -was AFH2587
53K147 15.F.1 Set screw for side cover (gearbox) (7) -(GB assy, 1500) -Com.(G)A916-
was 52K2037
53K147 16.F.1 Screw -gearbox side cover (7) -(GB assy, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
53K147 TC.F.1 Set screw fixing side cover (7) -(gearbox assy, Twin Cam)
53K149 15.N.2 Screw for starter to mounting plate (2) -Com.(C)117831 -(was HBZ0613)
53K149 16.N.2 Screw -fixing starter (2) -(starter, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
53K149 TC.N.2 Screw -starter to engine (2) -(starter, Twin Cam)
53K155 16.R.46 Screw -trunnion (4) -(heater, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
53K155 TC.R.57 Screw No.6 x 5/16" (recessed head) -(fresh air vent equip, Twin Cam)
53K162 15.F.1 Countersunk screw -side cover (3) -Com.(G)A916 -(was 52K1226)
53K162 16.F.1 Screw - gearbox side cover (countersunk) (3) -(GB assy, 1600 and
53K162 TC.F.1 Screw fixing side cover, countersunk (3) -(gearbox assy, Twin Cam)
53K249 15.A.7 Stud -L/H side crankcase blanking plate (2) [Fin(E)GB706]
53K257 15.A.7 Stud -L/H side crankcase blanking [Com(E)GB707 Fin(E)GB51767]
53K257 sup.1 Stud -petrol pump blanking plate (2) -(block assy, engine unit, sup)
53K257 16.A.1 Stud -crankcase vent pipe clip (2) -(block assy, engine unit, 1600)
53K257 16.A.21 Stud -crankcase vent pipe clip (2) -(block assy, engine unit, 1622)-
Correction was [53H275
53K257 TC.A.1 Stud for plate (2) -(fuel pump port, cyl.block assy, engine, Twin Cam)
53K371 15.A.6 Nut for cylinder head studs (11) -(cyl.head, engine unit, 1500)
53K371 16.A.6 Nut -cylinder head stud (11) -(cyl.head, engine unit, 1600) -changed
to 51K371
53K371 16.A.26 Nut -cylinder head stud (11) -(cyl.head, engine unit, 1622) -changed
to 51K371
53K486 sup.5 Stud -exhaust manifold (2) -(engine unit, sup)
53K486 16.A.5 Stud -exhaust manifold (2) -(engine unit, 1600)
53K490 15.A.6 Stud -inlet and exhaust manifold to cylinder head (4)
53K490 16.A.5 Stud -inlet and exhaust manifold to cylinder head (4) -(engine, 1600)
53K490 16.A.26 Stud -inlet and exhaust manifold to cylinder head (4) -(engine, 1622)
53K531 sup.5 Stud -water outlet elbow (3) -(engine unit, sup)
53K531 16.A.5 Stud -water outlet elbow (3) -(engine unit, 1600)
53K531 16.A.26 Stud -water outlet elbow (3) -(engine unit, 1622)
53K894 16.A.1 Stud -main bearing (6) -(block assy, engine unit, 1600)
53K1206 sup.11 Screw -housing to crankcase -(dynamo +dist.mtg, engine unit, sup)
53K1206 16.A.11 Screw -housing to crankcase -(dynamo +dist.mtg, engine unit, 1600)
53K1206 16.A.25 Screw -housing to crankcase -(distibutoe.body, engine unit, 1622)
53K1433 15.A.11 Screw for lubricating port (w-pump)[Com(E)GB39365 ex3940-39525]
53K1433 sup.8 Screw -mounting plate (8) -(gearbox, engine unit, sup)
53K1433 sup.11 Screw -lubricating point -(pump assy 12H839, water, engine unit, sup)
53K1433 sup.11 Screw -lubricating point -(w.pump rep.kit, 12H839 pump, eng.unit, sup)
53K1433 16.A.11 Screw -lubricating point -(w.pump, 1H1149, engine unit, 1600)
53K1433 16.A.31 Screw -lubricating point -(w.pump, 1H1149, engine unit, 1622)
53K1776 sup.8 Screw -mounting plate (4) -(gearbox, engine unit, sup)
53K1776 16.A.7 Screw -mounting plate to crankcase (4) -(rear, engine unit, 1600)
53K1776 16.A.28 Screw -mounting plate to crankcase (4) -(rear, engine unit, 1622)
53K1777 16.A.7 Screw -mounting plate to crankcase (8) -(rear, engine unit, 1600)
53K1777 16.A.28 Screw -mounting plate to crankcase (8) -(rear, engine unit, 1622)
53K2017 16.B.2 Screw fixing distributor to housing (2) -(distributor, ignition, 1600)
-part no. change was 52K2017
53K2171 sup.7 Stud -housing (2) -(tach drive, engine unit, sup)
53K2171 16.A.1 Stud -tachometer drive spindle housing (2) -(cyl.block, eng.unit, 1600)
53K2171 16.A.21 Stud -tachometer drive spindle housing (2) -(cyl.block, eng.unit, 1622)
53K2172 15.F.1 Stud -front cover (gearbox, 1500) -Com.(G)A916 -(was 52K485)
53K2172 TC.F.1 Stud -front cover (7) -(gbx.casing, gearbox assy, Twin Cam)
53K2236 16.A.15 Stud -carburetor to manifold (4) -(engine unit 1600)