The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Part Numbers - 37H5410
PART NO.  SPL.PAGE  DESCRIPTION                                                           
AJA5070   15.N.6    Screw (4 for tail lamp lens 1500/1600)
37H5410   16.N.10   Screw -lens fixing (4) -(tail, road lamps, 1600) -Fin.(C)100351
37H5410   TC.N.8    Screw -lens fixing (4) -(tail, road lamps, Twin Cam)
screw for tail light lens

Substitute part numbers: . . . . . See item 2 at right.
57H5569 (Moss Motors UK)
158-018 (Moss Motors USA)

One thing they all agree on is that it is a dog point set screw (which is why they are all special drawing numbers).

For decades I've been using #10-32-UNF Binding Head Screws (straight slot). And I'm a bit fussy about trying to make the slots line up, just to be neat.

So pick whatever head style you like, cheese head (flat on top), fillister head (crowned on top), Binding head (slightly crowned on top, thinner and slightly larger diameter). And I should concede it was probably never round head Phillips slot. I like binding head screws, slightly larger diameter for more bearing surface on the plastic lens (less likely to crack the plastic), and undercut head where the resulting underside ridge grips the surface to stay put. And the binding head screws are available at any local hardware store.

Rimmner Brothers

Moss Motors UK

Brown and Gammons

Moss Motors, USA -- 158-018
This one is confusing, as it is
listed as a set, but alternately
shown as either 2 or 4 screws.
Should be 4 screws per car.

Pictures above represent the current offerings from aftermarket parts suppliers, very likely not original issue style screws.

The pictures below are from the set of "Very Original MGA 1600".
If you blow them up about double size, the screws look like Round Head Phillips drive.

My best information implies that 1500 cars originally had straight slot pan head screws, while 1600 cars had Phillips slot round head screws, and the substitute part numbers are functional aftermarket parts with different head style. There are other opinions, but so far no one seems to have definitive proof.

Thank you for your comments -- Send e-mail to <Barney Gaylord>
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