11G10 15.A.8 Joint washer -oil pump to crankcase -(engine unit, 1500)
11G10 sup.9 Washer -joint -pump to crankcase -(oil pump, engine unit, sup)
11G10 16.A.8 Joint -pump to crankcase -(oil pump, engine unit, 1600)
11G10 16.A.29 Joint -pump to crankcase -(oil pump, engine unit, 1622)
11G10 TC.A.13 Joint -pump to crankcase -(oil.pump, engine, Twin Cam)
11G12 15.A.8 Spindle -oil pump driving -(engine unit, 1500)
11G12 sup.9 Spindle -oil pump driving -(engine unit, sup)
11G12 16.A.8 Spindle -oil pump driving -(engine unit, 1600)
11G12 16.A.29 Spindle -oil pump driving -(engine unit, 1622)
11G14 15.A.1 Plug -oil hole -oil filter boss [Com (E) GB259]
11G14 sup.1 Plug -chain tensioner oil feed -(engine unit, sup)
11G14 16.A.1 Plug -oil hole -oil filter boss -(engine unit, 1600)
11G14 16.A.1 Plug -chain tensioner oil feed -(engine unit, 1600)
11G14 16.A.21 Plug -chain tensioner oil feed -(engine unit, 1622)
11G14 TC.A.1 Plug for oil filter boss -(cyl.block assy, engine, Twin Cam)
11G15 15.A.8 Union -oil pressure gauge pipe, engine unit, 1500)
11G15 16.A.8 Union -oil pressure -(gauge pipe, engine unit, 1600)
11G15 16.A.29 Union -oil pressure -(gauge pipe, engine unit, 1622)
11G37 15.A.8 Pump assembly -oil (to (E) GB46044 and 46101 to 46341] [R]
11G45 15.A.5 Rocker for valve (bushed) [with 2 drill holes] -(engine unit, 1500)
11G45 sup.6 Rocker -valve -bushed (8) -(cyl.head, engine unit, sup)
11G45 16.A.5 Rocker valve bushed (8) -(cyl.head, engine unit, 1600)
11G45 16.A.26 Rocker valve bushed (8) -(cyl.head, engine unit, 1622)
11G47 15.A.5 Screw -tappet adjusting [with oil hole] -(cyl.head, eng.unit, 1500)
11G47 16.A.5 Screw -tappet adjusting (8) -(cyl.head, engine unit, 1600) -changed
to 48G207
11G62 15.A.5 Shaft -valve rocker (plugged) -(cyl.head, engine unit, 1500)
11G62 sup.6 Shaft -plugged -valve rocker -(cyl.head, engine unit, sup)
11G62 16.A.5 Shaft -valve rocker (plugged) -(cyl.head, engine unit, 1600)
11G62 16.A.26 Shaft -valve rocker (plugged) -(cyl.head, engine unit, 1622)
11G64 15.A.10 Rod -oil dipper -(engine unit, 1500)
11G64 16.A.9 Rod -oil level indicator -(engine unit, 1600) -changed to 12H74-
11G80 TC.A.7 Clip for vent pipe -(side.cover, engine, Twin Cam) -changed to 1G1309-
11G81 15.A.3 Pulley -crankshaft -(engine unit, 1500)
11G81 sup.4 Pulley -crankshaft -(engine unit, sup)
11G81 16.A.25 Pulley -crankshaft -(engine unit, 1622) -changed to 12H773
12H1306 16.A.25 Push-rod (8) -(engine unit, 1622) -alternate 11G241
11G93 15.A.7 Cover -front (with oil catcher and felt) -Com.(E)GB259 -(was 2A552)
11G93 sup.8 Cover -front (with oil catcher and felt) -(engine unit, sup)
11G93 16.A.7 Cover -front (with oil catcher and felt) -(engine unit, 1600)
11G93 16.A.28 Cover -front (with oil catcher and felt) -(engine unit, 1622)-
Fin.(E)16GC/8262 -changed to 12H771 Com.(E)16GC/8263
11G95 15.A.7 Joint -front cover to crankcase -(gasket, engine unit, 1500)-
Com.(E)GB259 -(was 1A2093)
11G95 sup.8 Washer -joint -front cover -(gasket, engine unit, sup)
11G95 16.A.7 Joint -front cover -(gasket, engine unit, 1600)
11G95 16.A.28 Joint -front cover -(gasket, engine unit, 1622)
11G96 15.A.7 Plate -engine monting (front) [Com (E) GB259]
11G96 sup.2 Plate -engine monting (front) -(engine mounting plate, sup)
11G96 16.A.2 Plate -engine monting -(engine mtg.plate, 1600) -changed to 12H1387
11G96 16.A.23 Plate -engine monting -(engine mtg.plate, 1622) -changed to 12H1387
11G97 15.A.7 Joint -mounting plate to crankcase [Com (E) GB259]
11G97 sup.2 Washer -joint -mounting plate -(front, engine mounting plate, sup)
11G97 16.A.23 Joint washer -mounting plate -(front, engine unit, 1622)
11G99 15.A.3 Joint -camshaft locating plate [Fin (E) GB258]
11G133 15.A.6 Thermostat (changed to 11G291) (always use 11G291)
11G136 sup.3 Plate -camshaft locating -(engine unit, sup)
11G136 16.A.3 Plate -camshaft locating -(engine unit, 1600)
11G136 16.A.24 Plate -camshaft locating -(engine unit, 1622)
11G143 15.A.8 Body -oil strainer [Fin (E)GB46044 except 46101-46342]
(alt 1G2391)
11G145 sup.7 Gasket -plug (steel) (4) -(sparking plugs, engine unit, sup)-
alternate 2K5211 (copper)
11G145 16.A.6 Gasket -plug (4) -(sparking plugs, engine unit, 1600)-
changed to 88G219
11G145 16.A.27 Gasket for plug (4) -(sparking plugs, engine unit, 1622)-
changed to 88G219
11G164 15.A.11 Pump assy-water(less pulley and hub) [Fin(E)GB39864 except 9401-39525]
11G165 15.A.11 Spindle with vane -water pump [Fin(E)GB39864 except 39401-39525]
11G167 16.A.24 Restrictor -oil (4) -(crankshaft, engine unit 1622) -(should be 1G1167)
11G176 15.A.12 Blanking sleeve -thermostat by-pass -(engine unit, 1500)-
for use when thermostat is removed
11G176 16.A.13 Blanking sleeve -thermostat by-pass -(engine unit, 1600)-
for use when thermostat is removed
11G176 16.A.33 Blanking sleeve -thermostat by-pass -(engine unit, 1622)-
for use when thermostat is removed
11G176 ST. Blanking sleeve (thermostat by-pass) -(special tuning, 1500, 1600,
11G193 15.A.5 Guide -Exhaust valve (4) -(cyl.head assy, engine unit, 1500)
11G193 sup.5 Guide -valve -exhaust (4) -(cyl.head assy, engine unit, sup)
11G193 16.A.5 Guide -exhaust valve (4) -(cyl.head assy, engine unit, 1600)
11G193 16.A.26 Guide -exhaust valve (4) -(cyl.head assy, engine unit, 1622)
11G0193_10 sup.5 Guide -valve -exhaust -.010"(.254mm)O/S (4) -(cyl.head, eng.unit, sup)
11G0193_10 16.A.5 Guide -valve -exhaust -.010"(.254mm)O/S (4) -(cyl.head, eng.unit,1600)
11G200 15.A.11 Pulley for fan and water pump
11G200 sup.11 Pulley -fan and water pump -(pump assy 12H839, engine unit, sup)
11G200 16.A.11 Pulley -fan and water pump -(pump assy 1H1149, engine unit, 1600)
11G200 16.A.31 Pulley -fan and water pump -(pump assy 1H1149, engine unit, 1622)-
changed to 8G742
11G201 sup.7 Thermostat -(water outle elbow, engine unit, sup)
11G203 15.A.3 Gear -camshaft [Com (E) GB259]
11G203 sup.3 Gear -camshaft -(engine unit, sup)
11G203 16.A.3 Gear -camshaft -(engine unit, 1600)
11G203 16.A.3 Gear -camshaft -(engine unit, 1600)
11G203 16.A.24 Gear -camshaft -(engine unit, 1622)
11G204 15.A.11 Hub for pulley (water pump) [Fin(E)GB39864ex39401-39525]
11G209 15.A.11 Plug -water pump oil fill [Fin(E)GB39864 except 39401-39525]
11G218 15.A.5 Bracket for rocker shaft (tapped) [Fin (E) GB48910]
11G219 15.A.5 Bracket for rocker shaft (plain) [Fin (E) GB48910]
11G220 15.H.1 Dynamo
11G220 16.N.1 Dynamo -(battery, 1600, 1600-MK-II) -Fin.(E)16GA/H2671 -not available
use 13H219 or 13H425 with 1-off 47H5496 connector 17.5 amp, 1-of 5L286 insulator,
1-off 47H5419 connector 35-amp, 1-off 5L289 insulator
11G221 15.B.1 Steady plate for coil -(ignition, 1500)
11G241 15.A.4 Push-rod (8) -(engine unit, 1500) [Com.(E)GB5504]
11G241 sup.4 Push-rod (8) -(engine unit, sup)
11G241 16.A.4 Push-rod (8) -(engine unit, 1600)
11G241 16.A.25 Push-rod (8) -(engine unit, 1622) -alternate 12H1306
11G246 sup.5 Insert -valve seat -inlet (4) -(cyl.head, engine unit, sup)
11G246 16.A.5 Insert -valve seat -inlet (4) -(cyl.head, engine unit, 1600)
11G247 sup.5 Insert -valve seat -exhaust (4) -(cyl.head, engine unit, sup)
11G247 16.A.5 Insert -valve seat -exhaust (4) -(cyl.head, engine unit, 1600)
11G259 15.A.11 Body w/.020" o/s bearing housing (w-pump) (U.K. only)
11G260 15.A.11 Bearing -ball (.020" o/s) (w-pump) (U.K. only)
11G291 15.A.6 Thermostat -(engine unit, 1500) [Com (E) GB17538] -(always use 11G291)
11G291 16.A.6 Thermostat -(engine unit, 1600) -changed to 11K399 Com.(E)16GA/H4788
11G291 TC.A.16 Thermostat -(water.pipes, Twin Cam) -changed to AEJ14 Com.(E)194 -
always use AEJ14
11G300 15.A.6 Joint washer for valve rocker cover -(engine unit, 1500)
[alt 1H1329, 12H38]
11G300 16.A.6 Joint washer -rocker cover to cylinder head -(engine unit, 1600)-
changed to 12H37 -Alternative 1H1329
11G313 15.A.5 Guide -inlet valve [Com (E)GB23175 except 23201 to 23447]
11G313 sup.5 Guide -valve-inlet (4) -(cyl.head assy, engine unit, sup)
11G313 16.A.5 Guide -inlet valve (4) -(cyl.head assy, engine unit, 1600)
11G0313_10 sup.5 Guide -valve -inlet -.010" (.254mm) O/S (4) -(cyl.head, eng.unit, sup)
11G0313_10 16.A.5 Guide -valve -inlet -.010" (.254mm) O/S (4) -(cyl.head, eng.unit,1600)
11G1167 16.A.24 Restrictor -oil (4) -(crankshaft, engine unit 1622) -(should be 1G1167)
11G2007 15.N.3 Switch -dipper
11G2007 16.N.3 Switch -dipper -(switches, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G2007 TC.N.3 Switch -dipper -(switches, electrical, Twin Cam)
11G3022 15.F.4 Baulk ring for 3rd and 4th gear -(gearbox, 1500)
11G3022 16.F.3 Baulk ring -3rd and 4th speed gear -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3022 TC.F.4 Baulk ring -3rd and 4th speed gear -(gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3024 15.F.4 Gear unit for layshaft (laygear cluster)
11G3024 16.F.3 Gear unit -layshaft -(gearbox 1600 and 1600-MK-II) -changed to 22H54
11G3024 TC.F.4 Gear unit -layshaft -(gearbox, Twin Cam) -changed to 22H54
11G3026 15.F.4 Distance piece for bearing (in laygear) -(gearbox, 1500)
11G3026 TC.F.4 Distance piece -bearing -(layshaft, gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3027 15.F.4 Spring ring for needle rollers (4) (in laygear)
11G3027 16.F.3 Ring -spring -layshaft (4) -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3027 TC.F.4 Spring ring -needle roller (4) -(gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3028 15.F.4 Bush for 2nd speed gear -(gearbox, 1500)
11G3028 16.F.3 Bush -2nd speed mainshaft gear -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3028 TC.F.4 Bush -2nd speed gear -(gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3029 15.F.4 Bush for 3rd speed gear -(gearbox, 1500)
11G3029 16.F.3 Bush -3rd speed gear -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3029 TC.F.4 Bush -3rd speed gear -(gearbox, Twin Cam) -changed to 11G3326
11G3030 15.F.4 Layshaft -(gearbox, 1500) -Fin.(E)GB51767 -(alternative 11G3123) -
Changed to 1H3305 Com.(E)GD101
11G3035 15.F.3 Shaft -3rd motion -(gearbox, 1500) -changed to 11G3221 Com.(G)A101 -
Changed to 1H3277 Com.(G)GD101
11G3039 15.F.3 Gear -speedometer drive -(g-box, 1500) -changed to 1H3151 Com.(G)A101
11G3042 15.F.3 Pinion for speedometer drive -(gearbox, 1500) -changed to 1H3241-
Com.(G)A5120 -(Always use 1H3241)
11G3063 15.F.4 Baulk ring for 2nd gear -(gearbox, 1500)
11G3063 16.F.3 Baulk ring -2nd speed gear -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3063 TC.F.4 Baulk ring -2nd speed gear -(gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3064 15.F.4 Gear -2nd speed -(gearbox, 1500)
11G3064 16.F.3 Gear -2nd speed -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3064 TC.F.4 Gear -2nd speed -(gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3079 15.F.2 Shaft -1st-2nd speed fork -(gearbox, 1500) -change to 1H3134-
Com.(G)A828 -Change to 11G3079 Com.(G)A8011 -(put back the way is was 6 mos later?)
11G3079 16.F.2 Rod -1st and 2nd speed fork -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3079 TC.F.2 Shaft -1st and 2nd speed fork -(gearbox assy, Twin Cam)
11G3080 15.F.2 Shaft -reverse fork -change to 1H3137 Com.(G)A290 -
Change to 11H3133 Com.(G)A828 -Change to 11H3137 Com.(G)A8011
11G3084 15.F.3 Joint washer for bush (speedometer cable to gearbox connection)
11G3090 15.F.4 Gear -reverse -(gearbox, 1500)
11G3090 16.F.3 Gear assembly -reverse -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II) -not available
use 22H83
11G3090 TC.F.4 Gear -reverse -(gearbox, Twin Cam) -changed to 22H51
11G3092 15.F.4 Bush (for reverse gear) -(gearbox, 1500)
11G3092 16.F.3 Bush -reverse gear -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3092 TC.F.4 Bush -(reverse, gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3093 15.F.4 Shaft -reverse -(gearbox, 1500) -(alternate 30G3124)
11G3093 16.F.3 Shaft -reverse -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II) -changed to 88G258
11G3093 TC.F.4 Shaft -reverse -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II) -alternative 11G3124
11G3100 15.F.2 Fork -reverse -change to 11G3134 Com.(G)A290
11G3123 15.F.4 Layshaft -Fin.(E)GB51767 -(alternative 11G3030) -
Changed to 1H3305 Com.(E)GD101
11G3124 15.F.4 Shaft -reverse -(gearbox, 1500) -(alternate 11G3093)
11G3124 16.F.3 Shaft -reverse -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II) -changed to 88G258
11G3124 TC.F.4 Shaft -reverse -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II) -alternative 11G3093
11G3127 15.F.3 Washer -thrust (.1565-.1575") Front (3rd gear, gearbox, 1500)
11G3127 16.F.3 Washer -thrust -front (A/R)(3rd gear) .1565"-.1575" (3.962-3.988mm)-
(gearbox, 1600 & 1600-MK-II)
11G3127 TC.F.3 Washer -thrust -front (A/R)(3rd gear) .1565"-.1575" (3.962-3.988mm)-
(gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3128 15.F.3 Washer -thrust (0.1585-0.1595") Front (3rd gear, gearbox, 1500)
11G3128 16.F.3 Washer -thrust (0.1585-0.1595") Front (3rd gear, gearbox, 1600 and
11G3128 16.F.3 Washer -thrust -front (A/R)(3rd gear) .1585"-.1595" (4.013/4.039mm)-
(gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3129 15.F.3 Washer -thrust (0.1605-0.1615") Front (3rd gear, gearbox, 1500)
11G3129 16.F.3 Washer -thrust -front (A/R)(3rd gear) .1605"-.1615" (4.0603/4.085mm)-
(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3129 TC.F.3 Washer -thrust -front (A/R)(3rd gear) .1605"-.1615" (4.0603/4.085mm)-
(gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3131 15.F.3 Selector -reverse gear -Com.(G)A290 -(was 1G3688)
11G3131 16.F.3 Selector -reverse gear -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3131 TC.F.3 Selector -reverse gear -(gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3132 15.F.3 Selector -1st and 2nd gear -Com.(G)A290 -(Prev 1G3683)
11G3132 16.F.2 Selector -1st and 2nd gear -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3132 TC.F.2 Selector -1st and 2nd gear -(gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3133 15.F.3 Selector -3rd and 4th gear -Com.(G)A290 -(Prev 1G3687)
11G3133 16.F.2 Selector -3rd and 4th gear -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3133 TC.F.3 Selector -3rd and 4th gear -(gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3134 15.F.2 Fork -reverse -Com.(G)A290 -(was 11G3100)
11G3134 16.F.2 Fork -reverse -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3134 TC.F.2 Fork -reverse -(gearbox assy, Twin Cam)
11G3135 15.F.2 Fork -1st and 2nd speed -Com.(G)2A290 -(gearbox, 1500) -(Prev 1G3691)
11G3135 16.F.2 Fork -1st and 2nd speed -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3135 TC.F.2 Fork -1st and 2nd speed -(gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3137 15.F.2 Shaft -reverse fork -Com.(G)A8011 -(gearbox, 1500) -was 1H3133
11G3137 16.F.2 Rod -reverse fork -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3137 TC.F.2 Rod -reverse fork -(gearbox assy, Twin Cam)
11G3140 15.F.2 Shaft -3rd and 4th speed fork -(gearbox, 1500) - Com.(G)A290 -(Prev
11G3140 16.F.2 Rod -3rd and 4th speed fork -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3140 TC.F.2 Shaft -3rd and 4th speed fork -(gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3145 15.F.4 Bolt for lever (clutch withdrawl) -(gearbox, 1500) -Changed to 11G3196
11G3147 15.F.1 Oil seal assy (early 1500 gearbox) -Changed to 1H3339 Com.(G)A101 (mid
1500) -Changed to 1H3275 Com.(E)GD101 (late 1500 onward gearbox)
11G3187 15.F.2 Block -shaft locating -(gearbox, 1500) -Com.(G)A916 _(was 1G3685)
11G3187 16.F.2 Block -sliding shaft locating -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3187 TC.F.2 Block -shaft locating -(gearbox assy, Twin Cam)
11G3193 15.F.4 Lever assembly -clutch withdrawl -(gearbox, 1500) -Com.(E)4525 9 -(was
11G3193 16.F.4 Lever -clutch withdrawl -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3193 TC.F.4 Lever aassembly -clutch withdrawl -(gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3195 15.F.4 Bush for lever (clutch withdrawl) -(gearbox, 1500) - Com.(E)4525 -(was
11G3195 16.F.4 Bush for withdrawl lever (clutch) -(gearbox, 1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G3195 TC.F.4 Bush -(withdrawl lever, gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3196 15.F.4 Bolt for lever (clutch withdrawl) -(gearbox, 1500) -Com.(E)4525-
(was 11G3145)
11G3196 16.F.4 Bolt -clutch withdrawl lever -(gearbox, 1600 & 1600-MK-II)
11G3196 TC.F.4 Bolt for lever -(withdrawl lever, gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3197 15.F.1 Cover -front (gearbox) -Com.(G)A4378 -(Prev 1G3642)
11G3199 15.F.4 Washer for locknut (clutch release arm) -(gearbox, 1500) -Com.(E)4525-
(special small bore heavy washer to fit against shoulder on release arm bolt)
11G3199 16.F.4 Washer -bolt (clutch withdrawl lever) -(gearbox, 1600 & 1600-MK-II)
(special small bore heavy washer to fit against shoulder on release arm bolt)
11G3199 TC.F.4 Washer for locknut -(clutch withdrawl lever, gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3221 15.F.3 Shaft -3rd motion -Com.(G)A101 -(was 11G3035) -
Changed to 1H3277 Com.(G)GD101
11G3223 15.F.3 Distance piece -speedometer gear -Com.(G)A101 -(Prev 1G3639)
11G3223 16.F.3 Distance piece -3rd motion shaft -(speedo gear, gearbox, 1600 and
11G3223 TC.F.3 Distance piece -3rd motion shaft -(speedo gear, gearbox, Twin Cam)
11G3225 15.F.3 Nut for shaft and speedometer gear -Com.(G)A101 -(was 1G3613) -
Change to FNZ612 Com.(E)GD101
11G3226 15.F.3 Lock tab washer -Com.(G)A101 -(Prev 1G3612) -
Changed to LWZ212 Com.(E)GD101
11G3326 TC.F.4 Bush -3rd speed gear -(gearbox, Twin Cam) -was 11G3029
11G9093 15.N.8 Flasher unit -(1500)
11G9093 16.N.12 Flasher unit -(1600 and 1600-MK-II)
11G9093 TC.N.10 Flasher unit -(flasher-horn-controls, electrical, Twin Cam)
11G019310 15.A.13 Guide -exhaust valve -.010" O.S.
11G031310 15.A.13 Guide -inlet valve -.010" O.S.