The MGA With An Attitude
Fuel Level SENDING UNIT Does Not Fit - FT-034
Moss Europe - AHH5114 - which is the original factory part number.
Also Moss Motors USA - 360-280 Sending Unit, fuel gauge, MGA
These notes may also pertain to the following similar parts:
011-311 Sending unit, fuel gauge, Jaguar XK120
011-312 Sending unit, fuel gauge, Jaguar XK140
021-570 Sending unit, fuel tank, AH 100, AH 3000 (except BJ8)
021-571 Sending unit, fuel tank, AH 3000 BJ8
360-050 Sending unit, fuel warning lamp, MG T-type
360-280 Sending unit, fuel gauge, MGA
360-640 Sending unit, fuel gauge, MGB, MGC
361-880 Sending unit, fuel gauge, AH Sprite, MG Midget
763-000 Sending unit, fuel gauge, Triumph TR2-4A
Addendum, 18OCT2011
Note from Michael Grant at Moss Motors:
"This information is out of date and no longer relevant to any sending units we sell".
At 08:17 PM 3/20/2007 +0000, David Grahame wrote:
>>"Here they are, pictures of the Moss sending unit showing the point at which I have nearly filed a hole through into the rheostat chamber. I have marked with a pen the outline of the part which I have filed away. When offering the unit up to the tank, although it would just go into the aperture the screw holes would not line up and I needed to move the unit vertically up the side of the tank towards the top of the tank to get them to line up. I filed away almost 3mm at the corners which as you can see were nearest to the screw holes in the flange but when I realized that I was starting to go through into the rheostat chamber I abandoned the game without having actually got it to line up completely."

Black line shows original profile before filing.

Corner showing indent indicating break through into inner chamber.
Copied below is the installation instruction notes from Moss Motors USA that was packed in the box with this sending unit. Notice the last paragraph referencing material removal. I would not recommend grinding any material from the inside of the tank flange. This would remove some of the gasket-seating surface, and this joint is tough enough to seal as is, not to mention possibly leaving metal shavings inside the fuel tank. There is also a moral commitment that it is not reasonable to modify a perfectly good part to accommodate a defective part. Several original sending units were fitted to an original MGA fuel tank, and they all fit fine. It is not the tank that is a bad fit, it is the replacement sending unit.
Considering the extent of the required modification to make this part fit, it is unreasonable to expect each individual customer to be inconvenienced finding his own way to modify the part to fit. It would be much more time and cost effective to modify all parts en-mass before shipping (maybe one minute each on a milling machine after initial setup). There is no reason these parts should ever be shipped to the customers without being fixed first. Apparently the only way this may happen is if many customers refuse delivery or send the defective parts back.
Moss Motors (on both sides of the Atlantic) knows about this problem, so it's time to demand a fix. I will post any additional information here when available.

On 3/26/2007, Grant, Michael Grant of Moss Motors USA wrote:
"Thank you for passing on the information about the problem with the sending unit purchased by David Grahame from Moss Europe. He is welcome to call me if he wants to discuss this, or any other parts.
We have the senders made for us, and we supply this part number to Moss Europe.
There have been a number of issues with the basic sending unit over the last 5 years. Not all the problems below occurred at the same time, and this is not in chronological order.
1) Gaskets reacting/swelling when in contact with gasoline in some parts of the US.
We have switched to Viton, and since then we have had no problems reported.
2) Gas weeping past the grommet with the electrical contact.
This was also a problem in some parts of the country because the grommet material was reacting and swelling when exposed to
Material specification change to Viton, and that cured the problem.
3) Wire wound around the insulator block loose, not uniformly wound
New senders have different wire, wound more tightly and uniformly.
4) The end of the arm that holds the float was cut off, and wound around the float in a way that pressed the sharp end into the plastic. This sharp point worked its way through the float with predictable results.
Vendor advised to bend the end of the wire up and away from the float.
We inspect every receipt to ensure this has been done.
5) Body of the sending unit is too large/offset forcing the sender to one side when inserted in some tanks.
The manufacturer has been advised of the problem and the revised specifications.
The next receipt will be inspected to verify that the change has been made.
Moss Europe does not have the data infrastructure or the systems we have for recording product complaints yet. In addition, it appears that the "complaint threshold" for customers in the UK appears to be much higher; for the most part they do not complain or notify the supplier of a problem. Since there is no data stored to look at, unless the person you are speaking to (and the people within earshot) are aware of a problem, they are not likely to be aware of it.
Generally, we will notify Moss Europe of problems with product so that they can take corrective action, or at least be aware of the situation. The system is not perfect.
Best Regards, - Michael Grant -