The MGA With An Attitude
FUSE BOX Failed Connections - ET-102C
On 12/18/2022, James Tabor wrote:
"... wiper motor problem. When I looked at the fuse box I discovered that the fuse was intact this surprised me so I got out the multimeter And found power on the right side but none coming out to the green wires.

"I've had this intermittent problem for two or three years. I bought a very cheap set of fuses which sometimes fall apart in my hand. When this problem has occurred in the past I have simply put in a new fuse and nine times out of 10 everything begins to work again. If it didn't I simply took another fuse out of the box and then off it went.
"I was quite wrong; the fuses were fine. Eventually, I took the fuse box off the car (it was purchased from Moss three years ago) I've discovered that one of the terminals was loose ever so slightly - as a result of the terminal being poorly riveted to the base.
"So when I replaced a good fuse with another fuse in the past more often than not the act of doing so was sufficient to create a fresh connection. I have talked to Moss about it and they are replacing it for a modest fee. Such a simple issue that has caused so many problems".
Common admonition here: Just because it's a new part, don't assume
it's a good part. Inspect and test every new part before installation.