The MGA With An Attitude
At 04:38 AM 7/25/2011 -0500, Larry Ingram in Warsaw, MO, wrote:
"I recently attempted to clean my oil/water gauge face which resulted in only making it less readable. Using Windows "Paint" I created a new face which I glued onto the old using spray on adhesive. I was well satisfied with the results, I still need to calibrate and repaint the needles".

If anyone wants to attempt this I have some tips:
1. For the finished print use only high quality photo paper
2. Create the image in black on white then invert the colors using the paint feature.
3. Do not type attempt to type the text in place. Use cut and paste for final placement.
4. Note the bulb Placement when placing the plastic face surround ring.
5. The size of the print may need to be adjusted using a different photo program.
Larry Ingram
A few follow up notes:
This gauge face example is not any MGA style, with the oil pressure scale being non-linear. It also lacks some of the logo, brand name, part number, etc. The small opening in the blue plastic filter ring should not be aligned with the lamp. Illumination light is supposed to pass through the blue filter to tint the light blue on the gauge face.